SHORT STORY REVIEW: ‘THREE ROADS’ BY EMMA TIMPANY TSSReviews·September 28, 2022Reading Time: 6 minutesReview by Becky Tipper Publisher: Postbox Press (an imprint of Red Squirrel Press) (2022) 138...
FLASH FICTION REVIEW: ‘MORSELS OF PURPLE’ BY SARA SIDDIQUI CHANSARKAR TSSReviews·April 7, 2022Reading Time: 4 minutesReview by Asha Krishna Publisher: Alien Buddha Press 149 pages RRP: £8.05 ISBN: 9798458074070 Sara...
SHORT STORY REVIEW: ‘MRS PINTO DRIVES TO HAPPINESS’ BY RESHMA RUIA TSSReviews·February 4, 2022Reading Time: 4 minutesReview by Asha Krishna Publisher: Dahlia Books (2021) 180 pages RRP: £10.00 ISBN: 9781913624057 Reshma Ruia’s debut novel...
SHORT STORY REVIEW: ‘COSMOGRAMMA’ BY COURTTIA NEWLAND TSSReviews·December 3, 2021Reading Time: 3 minutesReview by Tom Conaghan Publisher: Canongate (2021) ISBN: 978 1 78689 709 1 Price £12.99...
SHORT STORY REVIEW: ‘JAPAN STORIES’ BY JAYNE JOSO TSSReviews·December 1, 2021Reading Time: 3 minutesReview by Kate Tyte Publisher: Seren Books (2021) ISBN: 9781781725894 Price: £9.99 150 pages At the...
AN INTERVIEW WITH OKAPI BOOKS TSSReviews·October 19, 2021Reading Time: 4 minutes Okapi Books is a new independent press, based in Sheffield. Okapi’s first book, The...
SHORT STORY REVIEW: ‘BROADWATER’ BY JAC SHREEVES-LEE TSSReviews·August 13, 2021Reading Time: 4 minutesReview by Laura Besley Publisher: Fairlight Books 224 pages RRP: £8.99 ISBN:978-1-912054-57-2 Broadwater Farm was...
SHORT STORY REVIEW: ‘EVERYONE WORTH KNOWING’ BY JEFF RICHARDS TSSReviews·July 23, 2021Reading Time: 5 minutesReview by Jacqueline Saville Publisher: Circuit Breaker Books (2021) 246 pages RRP: $16.95 ISBN: 978-1953639066...
SHORT STORY REVIEW ‘LET US LOOK ELSEWHERE’ BY MONA DASH TSSReviews·July 9, 2021Reading Time: 4 minutesReview by Asha Krishna Publisher: Dahlia Books (2021) 173 pages RRP: £10.00 ISBN: 9781913624040 Mona Dash’s short...