Flash Fiction: ‘Other People’s Ghosts’ by Catherine Cruse TSS Publishing·April 11, 2017Reading Time: 2 minutesSpring 2017 Flash Fiction Competition: 2nd Place Everyone has a ghost in their wardrobe, if...
Flash Fiction: ‘The Frogs’ by Claire MacRae TSS Publishing·April 8, 2017Reading Time: 2 minutesSpring 2017, Flash Fiction Competition: 3rd Place Desmond walks by the house he sold last...
Flash Fiction: ‘A Square of Light’ by Catherine Finch TSS Publishing·February 18, 2017Reading Time: 2 minutesI used to live a life of curves; the rump of a hill, thunder clouds...
Flash Fiction: ‘The Cesarean’ by Sophie van Llewyn TSS Publishing·February 17, 2017Reading Time: 2 minutesWinter 2016 Flash Fiction Competition: 2nd place The baby boy’s wails merge with the strings,...
Flash Fiction: ‘Loved by Ramos’ by Douglas Bruton TSS Publishing·February 16, 2017Reading Time: 3 minutesWinter 2016 Flash Fiction Competition: 3rd place He chose me. Out of all the rest....
Flash Fiction: ‘Endangered’ by Christopher Stanley TSS Publishing·January 10, 2017Reading Time: 2 minutesFlash Fiction Competition (spring, 2016) Winner Once the mist has cleared, Tommy and I make...
Featured Flash Fiction: ‘Of Bugs and Men’ by Jacqueline Haskell TSS Publishing·January 10, 2017Reading Time: 2 minutes2016 Flash Fiction Competition Winner They are in a box, his friends – and they...
Featured Flash Fiction: ‘Spines’ by Paula Hunter TSS Publishing·January 10, 2017Reading Time: 2 minutes2016 Flash Fiction Competition Winner It had been a question of climate, really. He’d wanted...
Flash Fiction: ‘Snow’ by Jason Jackson TSS Publishing·January 10, 2017Reading Time: 2 minutes2016 Flash Fiction Competition Winner I remember the hills in Cleadon, insignificant, more mounds than...