The Cambridge Prizes 2024

Thank you to everyone who entered the Cambridge Prizes for Short Fiction. We are delighted to share the shortlists for both Flash Fiction and the Short Story.

Names of the winners are published below, followed by the shortlists.

Short stories and flash fiction will be published from September.

The Cambridge Short Story Prize

First: A Particulalry Subjective Experience – Brian R. Quinn

Second: Quarry – C J Garrow

Third: The Vale Cemetery – Ahana Banerji


The Cambridge Flash Fiction Prize

First: Next Exit – Emily Rinkema

Second: Words and Sayings I’ve Actually Heard Spoken Out Loud During my Sixty-years on this Planet Arranged so as to Illustrate the Toxic / Lethal / Invisible Continuum they Help Perpetuate – Jan Kaneen

Third: Pretty Ghosts – Frances Gapper


Shortlist for the Cambridge Prize for Short Stories (arranged alphabetically by author)

The Vale Cemetery – Ahana Banerji

Ebb – Robin Booth

Maud Cross, Augur – T. Eleanor Fuller

Circling –  Joanna Garbutt

Quarry – C J Garrow

When We Were Young – Malcolm Heyhoe

A Particularly Subjective Experience – Brian Quinn

In Enemy Territory – Caitlin A. Quinn

Waterford Crystal – Dave Wakely

Todd – Emma Williams

Shortlist for the Cambridge Prize for Flash Fiction (arranged alphabetically by author)

Confetti Letter – Chris Cottom

A Cheater’s Guide to Falling in Love – Rachel Fung

Pretty Ghosts – Frances Gapper

Recital: Repeat from Memory – Linda Grierson-Irish

Words and Sayings I’ve Actually Heard Spoken Out Loud During my Sixty-years on this Planet Arranged so as to Illustrate the Toxic / Lethal / Invisible Continuum they Help Perpetuate – Jan Kaneen

Under a Night Sky in January – David Mathews

Drunks – Emma Neale

Primitive – Jo Withers

Next Exit – Emily Rinkema

Tangible and Touchable (between the inside and the outside) – Malin Stahl