Microfiction: ‘My Perfume is Chlorine’ by Dettra Rose

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Highly Commended in the BIFFY50 Microfiction Competition.

I’m at the deep end of the pool. Aqua colours are darker here.

Is the water green or blue?

Many times, I’ve touched the bottom. Looks far away but it’s closer than I think.

Treading water, I slumped down. Nearly drowned. Never thought I’d need saving. The lifeguards know my name.

A guard is coaching me now. We’re focusing on freestyle. Arc of my arms and butterfly kicks.

I never dive in or jump. Just fall, but not a stinging bellyflop. Water never hurts me. Only douses the tunnel of my day. My perfume is chlorine.


Dettra Rose writes flash fiction, non-fiction articles, and poetry. Dettra’s pieces have won and been shortlisted/longlisted in Bath Flash Fiction Award, Reflex Fiction, The Fish Prize, TSS Publishing, Retreat West and the Australian Writers’ Centre. Currently, Dettra’s precious writing time swings between finishing her novel and flash fiction. Read more @ Dettrarose.com and say hello Twitter – @dettrarose Facebook – @dettrarose