New Journals Prize

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Early in 2021, we launched the New Journals Prize in order to celebrate and support emerging literary journals that are publishing great work and helping build the wonderfully wide short fiction community.

The Prize offers two journals £150 each to use in whatever manner they see fit.

This year, after collecting dozens of nominations, we’re happy to award the prizes to:

Lunate – Han Clark & Gary Kaill

Truffle Magazine – Tina J. Bowman

Thank you to everyone who nominated a journal. We hope to run the prize again next year. In the meantime, we’ve decided to keep our Celebration of Editors Roll Call open all year. So, if you’ve had a great experience with an editor or journal lately, please let us know. We hope this will become a useful page where writers can find new places to send their work to, knowing it’s in good hands.


We’re a small team of volunteers who spend hundreds of hours supporting short fiction and CNF readers and writers.

Please consider supporting us for the long nights, thank you.