Postcard Fiction: Leitha Lives Her Life In The Open, by Haze McElhenny

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Postcard Fiction by Haze McElhenny


Leitha Lives Her Life In The Open

beneath a canopy of magnolia in Centennial Park in Nashville, Tennessee. Come dawn, she rises – A Daughter of Athena – and takes her place on the eastern steps of the Parthenon.

Wary and unsure, a woman and child watch as Leitha wrestles her cart up the steps, then sits to rest.

The little girl wanders close. “I’m Erin. What’s your name?”

Raking gnarled hands through matted hair, Leitha straightens. “I am Athena. Athena of Parthenos.”

She giggles, twists and turns, knocked-kneed. “That’s my mom.”

With eyes cast to the pavement, she offers a golden apple from open palms, as Leitha smiles.


Postcard Fiction byHaze McElhenny,Nashville, Tennessee USA. Old enough to know better but young enough not to care.’

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