TSS Publishing: Reviewers

Reading Time: 4 minutes

TSS Publishing is delighted to be supported by a host of excellent reviewers. If you would like to review for TSS or interested in submitting a review, please email Becky Tipper, our Head of Reviews – 

If you’re a writer, editor, or publisher with a collection or anthology coming out and would like some extra publicity via a review, interview & extract/story publication, please get in touch.


Becky Tipper


Becky Tipper (Head of Reviews) loves reading and writing short fiction. Her stories can be found in The Honest Ulsterman, The Lampeter Review, Prole, and elsewhere. She is a previous winner of the Bridport Prize for flash fiction, and recipient of a Society of Authors’ Tom-Gallon Award. Becky was born in the West Midlands, England and now lives in Maine, USA.  www.beckytipper.com

Tom Conaghan

Tom-ConaghanTom Conaghan has published short stories in MIR Online, Neon literary magazine and the STORGY fiction prize anthology 2019. He works as an editor for Bandit Fiction magazine and is currently writing a novel about an eighteenth century imposter.


Jacci Gooding


A graduate from Oxford University’s Creative Writing Course, Jacci Gooding is a self-published author writing from a small desk somewhere in rural Warwickshire. Ex-editorial assistant and organiser of the Stratford Literary Festival’s self-publishers’ showcase, she has won Writing Magazine’s short horror story competition, was runner-up in The Squat Pen Rests short story competition, was shortlisted for The Bedford International Writing Competition and is a runner-up in Fantastic Books short fantasy horror competition of 2020.

James Holden


James Holden has had his short stories published by Silver Apples Magazine and performed by Liars League, and has won competitions organised by the Farnham Flash Festival and On The Premises. He works as a political geek and lives in north London with his wife and two children.


Janet H Swinney

Janet-SwinneyJanet H Swinney is a repentant education inspector from the North East of England who now dedicates her time to fiction and yoga. She has a long-standing connection with India and her experience of life there has deeply influenced her writing. Her stories have appeared in print anthologies and online journals in the UK, India and America. She has had listings in many competitions including Fish and the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize. She was nominated for the Eric Hoffer prize for prose 2012 and was a runner-up for the London Short Story Prize 2014. Her first collection of short fiction, The Map of Bihar and Other Stories, was published in 2019 by Circaidy Gregory Press. It was positively reviewed by The Irish Times and got a special mention in Best British Short Stories 2020. Her second collection, The House with Two Letter-Boxes will be published later this year by Fly on the Wall Press. www.janethswinney.com

Kate Tyte

Katy-TyteKate Tyte was born in Bath, England. She worked as an archivist for over ten years, before moving to Lisbon where she works as an English teacher. Her non-fiction has appeared in various British history and genealogy magazines. Her essays have appeared in Slightly Foxed, and her fiction in STORGY, Riggwelter, The Fiction Pool, and in Madness Heart Press’s anthology ‘Ghastly Gastronomy’. She is a book reviewer for STORGY and TSS.

Laura Windley

Laura-WindleyLaura Windley is a short story lover and writer from London. She was runner-up in the Bristol Short Story Prize, has been short and longlisted in other competitions such as Fish and the London Short Story Prize, and has been published in print and online. She has an MA in Creative Writing and is currently putting the finishing touches on a short fiction collection as well as working on a novel. She tweets  at @laura_windley

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